Is there any difference between perspective (0.5em) and perspective: 0.5em?

ransform:  scale(1.1,1.3) perspective(0.5em) rotateX(2.2deg);
perspective: 0.5em;
transform:  scale(1.1,1.3) rotateX(2.2deg);

the effects of the two writing methods are different, what"s the difference?

There is no difference between

perspective (0.5em) and perspective: 0.5em.
if there is only one element in the page, adding a perspective:0.5em; effect to the parent element is the same as adding transform:perspective (0.5em) to yourself;
however, if there are multiple elements in the page, the difference is reflected.
when adding a perspective:0.5em; attribute to the parent element, it looks at all the child elements from a point of view of the parent element, so the style of each child element you see is different. you can take a look at this article
