The problem of compression and upload of h5 images

problems with compression and upload of images on mobile

there is no problem in simulating the mobile phone environment on the pc browser, but not on the real machine.

related codes

    <section class="g-flexview step2">
        <header class="m-navbar fcx-navbar">
            <a href="{:U("/Home/Usercenter/step1")}&uid={$authenticate_uid}" class="navbar-item">
                <i class="back-ico"></i>
            <div class="navbar-center">
                <span class="navbar-title"></span>
        <div class="g-scrollview">
            <!-- setpbox -->
            <div class="setpbox">
                <ol class="ui-step ui-step-blue ui-step-4">
                    <li class="step-start step-done">
                        <div class="ui-step-line"></div>
                        <div class="ui-step-cont">
                            <span class="ui-step-cont-number">1</span>
                            <span class="ui-step-cont-text"></span>
                    <li class="step-done">
                        <div class="ui-step-line"></div>
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                    <li class="">
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                    <li class="step-end">
                        <div class="ui-step-line"></div>
                        <div class="ui-step-cont">
                            <span class="ui-step-cont-number">4</span>
                            <span class="ui-step-cont-text"></span>
            <!-- /setpbox -->
            <form id="autheform" action="{:U("/Home/Usercenter/step2")}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                <input type="hidden" name="authenticate_name" value="{$authenticate_name}">
                <input type="hidden" name="authenticate_sfz" value="{$authenticate_sfz}">
                <input type="hidden" name="authenticate_uid" value="{$authenticate_uid}">

                <div class="upbox" id="fbtn">
                    <div class="bg" style="background-image: url("__WAPIMG__exam/regagent/u1196.png")">
                        <input type="file" name="fimg" class="yasuo" error-msg="" accept="image/jpeg" onchange="fimgclick(this);">
                    <p class="text-center">

</div> <div class="upbox" id="rbtn"> <div class="bg" style="background-image: url("__WAPIMG__exam/regagent/u1206.png")"> <input type="file" name="rimg" class="yasuo" error-msg="" accept="image/jpeg" onchange="fimgclick(this);"> </div> <p class="text-center">

</div> <div class="upbox" id="pbtn"> <div class="bg" style="background-image: url("__WAPIMG__exam/regagent/u1214.png")"> <input type="file" name="pimg" class="yasuo" error-msg="" accept="image/jpeg" onchange="fimgclick(this);"> </div> <p class="text-center">

</div> <div class="pd20"> <button id="mysubmit" type="button" class="btn-block fcx-btn"></button> </div> </form> </div> </section>
    <script src="__WAPJS__exam/jquery.2.1.4.min.js"></script>
    <script src="__WAPJS__exam/ydui.js"></script>
    <script src="__WAPJS__lib/layer/layer.js"></script>
    <script src="__WAPJS__lib/localResizeIMG/lrz.bundle.js"></script>
    //  localResizeIMG 
    var imgdata = {
            fimg: {
                "datas": "",
                "type": "",
                "name": ""
            rimg: {
                "datas": "",
                "type": "",
                "name": ""
            pimg: {
                "datas": "",
                "type": "",
                "name": ""
       //  localResizeIMG 
        function fimgclick(obj){
            var _tFile = obj.files[0],
                _tName = $(obj).attr("name"),
                imgarr ="."),
                imgtype = imgarr.pop(),
                imgname = imgarr.join("");
                    imgdata[_tName]["data"] = res.base64;
                    imgdata[_tName]["type"] = imgtype;
                    imgdata[_tName]["name"] = imgname;
                    dialog.toast(err, "none", 2000);
                var _self = $(this)
                var errmsg = "", errorobj = "", objname = "", flag = false;
                formData = new FormData($("-sharpautheform")[0]);

                    objname = $(this).attr("name");
                    if(imgdata[objname]["name"] == ""){
                        errmsg = $("input[name="+objname+"]").attr("error-msg");
                        return flag = false
                        return flag = true

                        url: "{:U("step2")}",
                        type: "POST",
                        data: formData,
                        contentType: false,
                        processData: false,
                        success: function (data) {
                            if (data.result) {
                                //window.location = "{:U("Usercenter/step3")}&id=";
                            return true;
                        error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                            dialog.toast("", "none", 3000);

in addition:

    formData.set(objname,imgdata[objname]["data"],imgdata[objname]["name"]+"."+imgdata[objname]    ["type"]);
    // .set() formData.append() 

after checking the last line of code, it was found that the problem was in $(".yasuo") .each (function () {}), but I really didn"t know what to do and the real machine couldn"t test it.


FormData set is not allowed. Append is fine (see your description, maybe the problem lies here)
you can print whether the two final FormData obtained are the same before uploading.
may also be related to compatibility. set is not as compatible as append . You can directly create new FormData () and append all the data to be uploaded. Submit this newly created FormData

formdata ios will explode. Step on the pit to remind

the image compression should be handled by the server
