Can the mixins blending of vue achieve the global blending of some components?

for example, I have a two-level menu



I want to mix all the child routes under all user routes with a mounted;

cannot affect order routing,

I used global blending in main.js and found that even the third-party libraries I introduced would affect

vue does not provide a direct method, but it is not difficult to implement. A relatively simple way is to add judgment

to the global mixin method.

like this

  mounted() {
    if (this.mixinActive) {

only data presets mixinActive: true in the component. Of course, this judgment can also be determined by this.$ to determine the component name, or this.$route to determine the route


Don't you just blend in locally at the user routing place?

// user
   export default {
        mixins: [xxx]

Global mixin is global as its name implies, and your requirements in the problem description do not match the global, so you cannot use it in this way.

if you want to achieve a similar effect, use provide/inject dependency injection api provided by vue, which should meet the requirements of global injection dependency and local on-demand injection.
