A question about the iview drop-down box

has anyone noticed? It is the select component of iview. When I open remote search, as long as I search for it, then select one of the values, and then delete the selected value, I will automatically complete the last selected value. The example given on the official website also has such a small problem. I want to know if this is a problem with the select component, or is there a problem with my use? Refer to the select component of iview . What surprises me most is that opening it directly in jsfiddle doesn"t have this problem. Tested in person, this problem will only occur when you open the iview official website for the first time, and it will be gone after a refresh. is this a recording problem for the browser? It"s strange. Is there something wrong with my computer? Needless to say, move up the picture to show you:


the official website opened here will not be completed automatically, but will only be completed if you press and hold alt key.

some browsers, such as chrome, will be prompted when entering a URL. But the content of the prompt may be wrong, under normal circumstances, shift+delete is fine.

How do I delete items from the" auto-suggestion "list?
