When transitionend is used in the X event, why does it trigger the transitionend of the Y event?

I use JS to write a full-screen scrolling demo, in which the transitionend that executes the scroll-up function will trigger the transitionend of the scroll-down function.

the details are as follows:
if the mouse rolls down, modify the top of a DOM element. The
element binds a class as a transition, and executes transitionend when the transition animation is complete.

if the mouse is scrolled up, modify the top of the previous DOM element. The
element binds a class as a transition, and executes transitionend when the transition animation is complete.

related codes

if (dir = = "down") {

        this.ScrollDown(() => {
          let oWrap = document.getElementById("wrap");
          let aDiv = oWrap.getElementsByTagName("div"); //4DIV
          let el = aDiv[this.currentPage]; //currentPage=01DIV
          el.style.top = -this.WebHeight + "px"; //

          el.addEventListener("transitionend", () => {  //CSS
            this.currentPagePP; //PP ; currentPage=1
          }, false)
      } else {
        this.ScrollUp(() => {
          let oWrap = document.getElementById("wrap");
          let aDiv = oWrap.getElementsByTagName("div"); //4DIV
          let el = aDiv[this.currentPage-1]; //1-1=0 ; DIV
          el.style.top = 0; //,top

          el.addEventListener("transitionend", () => {  //CSS
            this.currentPage--; //PP
          }, false)

actual running result

when you perform the first roll up, it triggers the transitionend of the roll down and tries the currentPage value PP. Why?


after scrolling, pagePP, and then scroll in the opposite direction, then the page-1 is not the previous page? So you are adding an event to the same element, which, of course, will be triggered twice. And if you scroll back and forth a few times, you will find that each trigger will be triggered more and more times
