TypeScript Interface is confused?

How do I set the default value of a parameter when a function in

TypeScript describes a parameter through Interface?

interface Opts {
  method: string;
  header: object;
  body: object;

function request(url: string, opts: Opts) {
  // opts.methodopts.header
  // ...

interface Opts {
  method: string;
  header: object;
  body: object;
const defaultOpts:Opts = {
  header= {},
function request(url: string, opts: Opts) {
  opts = Object.assign(defaultOpts,opts)
  opts = {...defaultOpts,...opts}

Please note

there is a potential danger in the above answer: both assign and structure assignments can only be replaced by layer 1, and layer 2 attribute values cannot be compared.
as in the above code, it is assumed that the default defaultOpts.body = {avav _ 1jbv _ 2}, but in the parameter passed, props.body = {av _ 3}, then the merging value of the two does not have the attribute xxx.body.b.


is actually true. There is no so-called default value in interface, which is different from the attributes in react PropType or vue
