Does an instance of sorl mean a table?

I just used solr, and now I want to store the data of multiple tables in solr for easy query.
so am I stored in multiple instances?

my understanding is that an instance will have a managed-schema, which is configured to store fields.
where is the other data stored?


the concept of core and table is not quite the same, but you can simply correspond to it this way. The data is stored in the files under the index directory in the form of an index, usually under core/data

. Whether

is saved in a core depends on how you query. If multiple tables are queried in a similar way, the query results also want to be combined, so you can combine multiple tables in one core.

you can use the Collection category of solr as the view of the database. The difference between this view and the view of the database is that the query speed of solr view is very fast
