The chunk-vendors generated by vue cli3 after compiling build also contains es6 syntax, how to solve it?

The chunk-vendors generated by

vue cli3 after compiling build also contains the es6 syntax
such as the arrow function. Vuex package values are compressed, promise, etc. Specific business code can compile es6 into es5, probably because it is not compiled in the node_modules directory

there is always an error when you try to configure babel.config.js.
vue.config.js and loader settings still have no effect

has anyone ever encountered such a situation? How should the specific configuration of babel.config.js be configured
or jsx? Loader configuration of


add an include when configuring the loader of js, and add

to the path of the package that is still es6.

node_modules belongs to a third-party library and does not need to be compiled. Babel-preset is used to deal with es6 syntax. You can add a
module.exports = {
presets: [


such babel.config.js files, you can also take a look at the browser support in .browserslistrc, such as the arrow function. Promise will not be compiled if the browser itself supports it. If the function method of es6 is not compiled, try adding a babel-polyfill

. For

babel configuration of webpack, please refer to my previous article


read this article solve compatibility issues
