How does the upload control of antd use the put/patch method?

there is an array of conversations on the server. I want to push the pictures to the array through the pictures uploaded by upload.
conversation structure is shown in figure

render () {

const uploadButton=(
    <p className="ant-upload-drag-icon">
      <Icon type="inbox" />

<p className="ant-upload-text">

<p className="ant-upload-hint">.

</React.Fragment> ) const Dragger=Upload.Dragger; const myUrl=`//global.serverBaseUrl/Admins/${this.props.adminId}/feedbacks/${this.props.feedbackId}/`; /**/ return( <Dragger name="file" multiple={true} data= // accept="image/*" action={myUrl} onChange={this.handleUploadChange}// > {this.state.fileList.length>=3?null:uploadButton} </Dragger> )

