Mini Program introduces async-validator to report errors

Mini Program introduces async-validator to do form verification, npm is installed and built, showing error:


 sdk uncaught third Error 

 module "miniprogram_npm/async-validator/babel-runtime/helpers/extends" is not defined 

is there any way to solve the problem

github address

copy / src/ to your Mini Program folder
introduce all files in the folder to the path of other files, followed by a suffix (do not abbreviate the path)
for example:

import { format, complementError, asyncMap, warning, deepMerge } from './util';
import validators from './validator/';
import { messages as defaultMessages, newMessages } from './messages';
import { format, complementError, asyncMap, warning, deepMerge } from './util.js';
import validators from './validator/index.js';
import { messages as defaultMessages, newMessages } from './messages.js';

remember that all files need to be changed, because Mini Program does not automatically add and recognize suffixes

after the modification, you can introduce
