How to use java to implement SparkSQL dataframe to add self-increasing sequence number column?

query data with spark paging. Ordinary sql () does not support paging sql statements.
it is said that you can add a sequence to realize
, but basically it is scala
/ / add a list of "id" information to the original Schema information

val schema: StructType = dataframe.schema.add(StructField("id", LongType))

// DataFrameRDD  zipWithIndex
val dfRDD: RDD[(Row, Long)] = dataframe.rdd.zipWithIndex()

val rowRDD: RDD[Row] = => Row.merge(tp._1, Row(tp._2)))

// RDD DataFrame
val df2 = spark.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema)
< hr >

how to implement it with java


I add id directly to a dataframe.withColumn ("id", row_number (). Over (Window.orderBy ("xxx")).
Don't switch from DF to RDD to DF.
