How does the implementation class implement when the interface in Java returns List < own type >?

< H2 > scene: < / H2 >

this is the interface

public interface TreeNode<T> {
    public List<T> levelOrder();
    public List<TreeNode<T>> getChildNodes();
    public T getVal();
    public void setVal(T val);

this is the implementation class

public class BinaryTreeNode<T> implements TreeNode<T> {
    public List<BinaryTreeNode<T>> getChildNodes(){
        return null;

there will be an error here,


if you change the return type to TreeNode < T > [], the implementation method can be BinaryTreeNode < T > [].

< H2 > question: < / H2 >

what should I do if I want the interface to return collection classes such as List/Map instead of arrays?


 public List<? extends TreeNode<T>> getChildNodes();