There are many clicks in mint-ui, and Toast repeats the question prompted.

problem description

in the development of a project, using the mint-ui front-end UI framework and using Toast, it is found that the Toast error message will be repeated when the button is clicked many times. (this button has a hint that the input box is empty)

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

vue-cli combined with webpack to build the VUE project, the front-end UI framework chooses mint-ui. With regard to the repeated occurrence of Toast, the excessive mother did not find a solution

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)
Toast ({

message: "",
position: "middle",
duration: 5000


what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

the expected result is that the Toast prompt appears when the user clicks the button, and this toast prompt appears only after the first Toast prompt disappears when the button is clicked for the second time


defines a variable (the number of button clicks) that is initialized in data. This variable is self-added in the button click event, and the Toast appears only when the number of clicks is 1, while setting the end of a 5s setTimeout,5s (this time is defined according to how many seconds your Toast displays) and initializing the variables in the data. This will solve the problem of multiple clicks and repeated Toast.
