Vue+element dynamically displays the picture in the table, occasionally does not show the solution! Ask for help.

figure 1 is Table 3, 4 rows, picture is not displayed
figure 2 is what the picture does not display when the console mouse is over
figure 3 is what the picture shows on the console (figure 3 is loaded but figure 2 is not)
figure 4 is the code for the picture part of the table file is the server address
figure 5 is the url
diagram of the axios request to pull the picture from the server. 6 is a single page application page between the jump image is cached, but back here that does not show the picture read again how type is json while the normal read picture type is png
and in the page jump will not reload the picture, but sometimes will load. Figure 7

these pictures show occasionally and occasionally do not show the picture path is fine, and it is not necessarily which one does not show


it's hard to find the problem. I hope you can have a demo, so that people can help you with debug.
