What do you think of the readability of the CPP11 program?

recently, I am withholding some CPP11 features and projects. When I see the following code, I feel that the whole person is not good. You know what I feel like when I say "the whole person is bad". Personally, I think learning new knowledge is a habit that needs to be maintained all the time, but when I see the following code, I am really afraid of new knowledge. I don"t know where the fear comes from, but I just don"t think the development has become more convenient or the code easier to read because of the release of the new standard.


the wrong method, or is it just the case with CPP11?



this has something to do not only with the language, but also with the writer, the complexity of the specific project, and the level of the person who reads it. The code written by a person who is not good enough may not be understood by anyone, including himself; complex projects may design obscure system structures to solve complex problems, and no one can understand them without reading the documentation; and the reader is not familiar with the grammar. I can't understand it. Do not understand the source code is a very normal thing, some code after confusion you also want to understand it all? If you are new to the new features, just look at some simple examples, and then try it yourself. There is no need to take off in the first place.

is everything all right? Maybe you're not familiar with it. It's like a friend you spend every day with has suddenly changed, and you won't get used to it.

cPP many of the new feature are for the author of the database. If you are the author of the database, you should use more. For example, move/decltype/forward and other settings can improve the development and running efficiency of the database. If you are just a user of the database and are interested in creating a generator, then many features need to be understood, but not all of them, such as auto , The type guide of cPP is also much easier to use, for example, lambda, function is also first-class. However, there are many times when cPP11 does not achieve consistency. For example, the lambda parameter cannot be cut to 14, 17 and 2a with auto,. In any case, cPP is constantly making progress on the road of proxy language. The introduction of

auto has greatly improved readability. As for the rest, it doesn't have much to do with the new features of CPP11. CPP is inherently difficult to read
