After vue-cli creates a project to add eslint, eslint's rules are not based on .editorconfig?

after I created the webpack template with vue-cli, I wanted to try to use eslint to standardize the code format.

then change indent_size = 2 to 4 in the .editorconfig file.
found that it didn"t work.

later found that the code format check is based on rule in .eslintrc.js .

so what is the .editorconfig file for?


.editorconfig is a configuration file for the compiler. Usefulness includes:

  1. editorconfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles in different editors and IDE.
  2. The
  3. editorconfig project contains a collection of file format definitions, encoding styles and text editor plug-ins.
  4. editorconfig files are easy to read and they work well with version controllers.