Angular textarea fixed number of lines fixed length custom verification

< H2 > requirements description < / H2 >

var str1,str2,str3,str4

  1. in textarea, it cannot exceed four lines
  2. maximum of 140 characters
  3. For every 35 characters entered by
  4. , a corresponding value is assigned to str1,str2,str3,str4,. If the intercept is greater than 35 (ensuring the integrity of each word), the remaining characters will be concatenated on the next line, and so on
< hr >

below is that my code, has been implemented, but it looks a bit messy. There is a big god to help review modify and simplify

. < hr >
define(function (require, exports) {
    "use strict";

    exports.customValid = function () {
        return {
            restrict: "EA",
            replace: "true",
            require: "ngModel",
            link: function (scope, ele, attr, modelCtrl) {

                function strProcess(str) {
                    var obj = { temp1: "", temp2: "", temp3: "", temp4: "" };
                    var status = { temp1: false, temp2: false, temp3: false, temp4: false };
                    if (str) {
                        var newStr = str.replace(/[\n\r]/g, "< ");
                        var array = newStr.split(" ");
                        var temp = "";
                        array.forEach((item, index, input) => {
                            if (item && item.length > 35) {
                                input[index] = item.replace(/(.{35})/g, "$1 ");
                        temp = array.join(" ");

                        var newArray = temp.split(" ");

                        newArray.forEach((item, index, input) => {
                            if (!status.temp1 && isVallid(obj.temp1, item)) {
                                modelCtrl.$setValidity("max", true);
                                obj.temp1 += item;
                                if (obj.temp1.charAt(obj.temp1.length - 1) !== "<" && obj.temp1.length < 35) {
                                    obj.temp1 += " ";
                                } else {
                                    status.temp1 = true;
                                if (obj.temp1.charAt(obj.temp1.length - 1) === "<") {
                                    status.temp1 = true;
                            } else if (!status.temp2 && isVallid(obj.temp2, item)) {
                                modelCtrl.$setValidity("max", true);
                                obj.temp2 += item;
                                if (obj.temp2.charAt(obj.temp2.length - 1) !== "<" && obj.temp2.length < 35) {
                                    obj.temp2 += " ";
                                } else {
                                    status.temp2 = true;
                                if (obj.temp2.charAt(obj.temp2.length - 1) === "<") {
                                    status.temp2 = true;
                            } else if (!status.temp3 && isVallid(obj.temp3, item)) {
                                modelCtrl.$setValidity("max", true);
                                obj.temp3 += item;
                                if (obj.temp3.charAt(obj.temp3.length - 1) !== "<" && obj.temp3.length < 35) {
                                    obj.temp3 += " ";
                                } else {
                                    status.temp3 = true;
                                if (obj.temp3.charAt(obj.temp3.length - 1) === "<") {
                                    status.temp3 = true;
                            } else if (!status.temp4 && isVallid(obj.temp4, item)) {
                                modelCtrl.$setValidity("max", true);
                                obj.temp4 += item;
                                if (obj.temp4.charAt(obj.temp4.length - 1) !== "<" && obj.temp4.length < 35) {
                                    obj.temp4 += " ";
                                } else {
                                    status.temp4 = true;
                                if (obj.temp4.charAt(obj.temp4.length - 1) === "<") {
                                    status.temp4 = true;
                            } else {
                                modelCtrl.$setValidity("max", false);
                    return str;

                function isVallid(str, appendStr) {
                    return str.length < 35 && (str.length + appendStr.length <= 35);

            scope: {}
