How does classpath represent the root directory in this way of use in spring

1. Problem description
the project is built using maven, and the configuration files are placed under src/main/resources.
because there are frequent changes to the web.xml configuration during project development, the project manager uses variables (sso.path) to specify external profiles, each using a local profile.
but the problem is that when I want to switch to the configuration in the src/main/resources directory again, I don"t know what to say (you can comment it all, of course, but there are more changes).
if there is a subdirectory, it"s a good indication, such as classpath:/spring, but my configuration files are all in the root directory. I"ve tried classpath: classpath:/ and classpath://, in a mess, and it doesn"t seem to work.
ask for advice! Thanks!

2. The code is as follows
configuration in web.xml

        <!--  -->
        <!-- src/main/resouces -->

ConfigContextListener implementation

public class ConfigContextListener implements ServletContextListener{
    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
        String path = sce.getServletContext().getInitParameter("sso.path");
        System.setProperty("sso.path", path);    

    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {

use: for example, in spring-redis.xml (and many configuration files use this variable)

    <context:property-placeholder location="${sso.path}/spring/"
        ignore-unresolvable="true" />


by wildcard characters