How to use matching regularity, you can only enter numbers or negative numbers, but no matter positive or negative numbers only retain one decimal point.

ask for advice
how to keep the attributes of input and number as decimal points, why can"t the negative sign (-) be entered


let reg = /^-?\d+(\.\d)?$/

 * @param {String} input - 
 * @param {Integer} precision - 1
 * @param {String} type - numberstringundefined"number"
 * @returns {Number|String} type
function demo(input, precision = 1, type = "number") {
    if (typeof input !== "string") {
        try {
            input = input.toString();
        } catch (error) {
            throw new Error("");
    if (!Number.isInteger(precision) || precision < 0) {
        throw new Error("");
    let isMatch = false;
    const reg = /^-{0,1}\d+(\.\d+){0,1}$/;
    //:replacereturnnumber replace
    const result = input.replace(reg, (match, floatPart) => {
        isMatch = true;
        const intPart = Math.abs(parseInt(match));
        const symbol = match.startsWith("-") ? "-" : "";
        floatPart = floatPart ? parseFloat(parseFloat(floatPart).toFixed(precision)) : 0;
        return symbol + (intPart + floatPart);
    if (!isMatch) {
        throw new Error("");
    return type === "number" ? parseFloat(result) : result;


/ ^ -? (([1-9]\ d * (\.\ d {1})? $) | (0\.\ d {1} $) | 0) $/
