Test (). A ('Ilemm A.'). B ('IlemmB')

for example, if you want to use test (). A ("Isimm A."). B ("Ilemm B"), output how test an I"m A b I"m B should define test?.


function test () {
  return {
    callInfo: 'test',
    a (arg) {
      this.callInfo += ' ' + arguments.callee.name + ' ' + arg
      return this
    b (arg) {
      return (this.callInfo += ' ' + arguments.callee.name + ' ' + arg)
test().a('I\'m A.').b('I\'m B')

   function test() {
        function a(){
            console.log(" a I'm A ")
            return this
        function b(){
            console.log("b I'm B")
            return this
        return {
            a: a,
            b: b

jquery is the big brother in this respect, you can refer to the source code, but this is enough for you to use
downstairs answer is the correct solution.
