Shell Analysis Log

there is a log file logfile.log in the following format:

2018-04-26 15:30:02|uri=/user/info/index.php|method=GET
2018-04-26 15:31:01|uri=/agent/info/index.php|method=GET
2018-04-26 15:31:32|uri=/auth/login|method=POST
2018-04-26 15:32:33|uri=/user/edit|method=POST
2018-04-26 15:33:00|uri=/auth/logout|method=POST
2018-04-26 15:33:11|uri=/group/index.php|method=GET
2018-04-27 13:12:23|uri=/auth/login|method=POST

1, how to print out all uri values, that is,


2, how do I print out all uri values for 2018-04-26?


  if you use g flag to match all values, capturing group will not be able to use , so either write your own loop to replace the function of g flag, or you can substring to replace the function of capturing group. 
