Vue upload a form to insert into the project how to do?

vue now has a requirement to upload a basic page and fill in the routing address of the page. Insert the uploaded page into the project and there will be a corresponding form page in the project. What to do? I don"t understand. No, no, no. Ask for God"s guidance!


A big god in the same group at that time made a similar plan
, but we used Baidu's ueditor
ueditor to write a page and calculate a page.
changed the uploaded ueditor into a static html file like .html. Then store the path in the database table.
when you need a page, read the page directly with jsp
. The solution is about the same
. Let your backend write a
html file
based on the uploaded field,
, or compile it out of vue, and then vue complier. This complexity is too high
