About Modular Development

there is a front-end framework called VUX, which contains all the functions

import { Checker, CheckerItem } from "vux"

export default {
  components: {

then you can use custom tags

 <checker-item value="1">{{ $t("") }}</checker-item>

how do you do this? (if you understand the principle, you probably understand it, but what are you going to use if you put it into practice?


vux loader

this is not modular development.
modular development refers to dividing a system into modules according to certain characteristics in order to manage
how this is done. The specific implementation requires you to implement vue component systems, single file components, and life cycle. Responsive what has a certain understanding of
can really be implemented without pressure

cnpm install vuex-- create a store folder under the save src folder, create an index.js file, introduce vue, introduce vuex global use vuex vue.use (vuex) to create: export default new Store ({state, mutations})
