On the problem of vux x-input assigning automatic focus on IOS

recently, a project was developed using vux"s UI. On an add page (there are about 30 fields), the price needs to be calculated, and then the value is assigned to another field. But there is a problem in actual use, that is, when I enter a numeric value in the first field, the variable bound by v-model is assigned to the last input, when the first number is entered, The whole screen will be pulled to the last input box, so that when I have just finished typing the first field, the whole screen will jump to the last input box. What should I do if I ask for help?


<x-input title="" placeholder="" type="number" v-model="form.order_buy_price"></x-input>
<x-input title="" placeholder="" type="number" v-model="form.order_buy_count"></x-input>
<x-input title="" disabled type="number" v-model="form.order_buy_tax_total"></x-input>

then there is the purchase unit price and purchase volume of watch, and then calculate the total purchase amount and assign
but once its assigned input box is assigned, it will focus itself from the invisible range of the screen and scroll to the visual range, which means that when I type the first input, it jumps to the back

How the

code is written

is not sure how to solve this problem, but if the total is calculated, then there is no need to change it? Then you will not have this problem if you directly output the text there and do not use < input > ?

have you solved the problem? I will also encounter this problem this time. It seems that

is there any result for

, landlord, I have also encountered this problem

have you solved

I have encountered it, too. At the same time, when using X-INPUT, type= "number" will eventually report an error. And this only happens on Android phones, but the problem of automatic focus only occurs on ios. So is it possible that its x-input has bug, or it doesn't have to write its own input box? it's not pretty, but it doesn't have bug
