Does the branch of git have to be built on the main branch of master? can you create a branch on the branch?

is it all about master?


Yes, our branches are all built on develop

branches do not have to be created from master, and git itself does not restrict where users must create new branches.

but the subject must have come across a statement (or specification) that makes it clear that branches can only be created from master.

in fact, this is a git development method. New branches are pulled from master and merged back to master; after code verification. This process ensures that master branches are always the latest verified branches, and it is more reliable and natural for new branches to be pulled from the latest verification branches.

does not stipulate that you must build a branch on the basis of master.
mainly depends on what your default branch is. Generally, the develop development branch is regarded as the default branch, and all subsequent branches are pulled on the default branch

you can create a new branch from any branch

you can use that branch as the main branch, as long as there is no conflict when the branches are merged
