Populate nesting usage of mongodb

has the following two Model

(1) user Model

var usersSchema = new Schema({
    f_id: {
        unique: true,
        type: String
    f_name: String

(2) record Model

var batchMainSchema = new Schema({
        f_id: {
            unique: true,
            type: String
        f_user_log: [{
            f_option: String,
            f_time: Date,
            f_user_model: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "users" },

user action records need to be saved in the f_user_log field in the record Model

can you get the value of f_user_model when querying record data


the writing method in the following figure can not get the desired user information


do you have any corresponding solutions? thank you!


populate cannot, use aggregate .

.populate ({path: 'fame username log. Fancy username model'})
