The h5 video tag cannot play videos of that kind of download link on the mobile phone.

now the video link returned by the API is the kind of video link that can be downloaded directly by accessing the URL on the computer. It can be played with video on pc, but it has been buffered all the time on the mobile side. The playback code is as follows

<video poster="" class="edui-upload-video vjs-default-skin video-js video-js" controls="" preload="none" width="420" height="280" src="" data-setup="{}"><source src="" type="video/mp4"></video>

URLs are all real. You can try to play them on pc. You can download them locally first, and you can see the download speed in network


try, http header. It shows that this resource is downloaded as an attachment. If you want to play it directly, try removing content-disposition: attachment;filename=1525316555231075143.mp4 from http header.
