Python3 requests crawling web page garbled

1. When crawling a web page with python3, the web side shows that the code is utf-8, itself. When crawling, the code is also set to utf-8, but a print result is garbled in Chinese.

url = ""
headers = {

response = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
response.encoding = "utf-8"
4. I have been looking for a solution on the Internet for a long time, and I have been visiting the forum for a long time, but I still haven"t found a solution. There is really no way out. I hope you can help solve it. Thank you.


import gzip
resp = requests.get(url)
html = gzip.decompress(resp.content).decode('u8')

response = requests.get ("", headers= {" Accept-Encoding ":"})
