Javascript & and & &

it seems that these two kinds of if judgment sentences can be alert at last. Is there any difference between them, or which one is more standardized?

if( response.status == 200 ) Main_Scope.loading = true & alert("Asdasd");
if( response.status == 200 ) Main_Scope.loading = true && alert("Asdasd");

& is bitwise and, and & & is logical and.
so you should use & & that's right, & is the wrong usage.

  110  // 6
& 011  // 3
  010  // 2
6 & 3 = 2
6 && 3 = 3

& is a "bitwise and" operation, and & & is a "logical and" operation. Although all alert comes out, the value of Main_Scope.loading is different, isn't it? alert has no return value, or its return value is undefined , so the first Main_Scope.loading value should be 0 , and the second Main_Scope.loading value is undefined .
