Why doesn't obj.list & & obj.list.length first determine whether obj.list has a value and then report that length is not defined?

Why doesn"t RT:obj.list & & obj.list.length first determine whether obj.list has a value and then report that length is undefined?
so I always deal with it this way (I can probably understand why, but I don"t know the professional explanation)

    orderMsgJson0.list && orderMsgJson0.list.length ? [
        orderMsgJson0.list.map(item => (
            <p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: formatNullStr(this.strReplace(item.senderMsg, `scm.html?tab=saleOrderDetail&orderId=${item.orderId}`)) }}>

)), <p className="person-more"><a href="-sharp">>></a>

] :


1. If you do not judge whether list exists, take list. If list does not exist, an exception will be reported, causing the following code to fail to execute
