Mpvue loop component, toggle loop array, subset as objects, view update delay?

1.mpvue loop component, switch loop array, subset as object, view update delay, constantly switch loop array, view update to the last data. Clicking on some locations will overwrite the rendering as normal

< div VFF = "(item, index) in apply": text= "item.State": key= "item.SequenceNo+index" > {{item.State}} < / div > / / Toggle normal rendering
< card VFF = "(item, index) in apply": text= "item.State": key= "item.SequenceNo" / >

The replacement of

vue source data forms the dynamic components of vue, which are not supported by mpvue. Dynamic components include the use of component: is, and components re-use apply to judge rendering.
to solve the above problems, when you can only switch data sources, assign null to the data source first, and then assign new data. This method consumes performance and has no choice but to do so. I hope mpvue can support dynamic components in the future.
