What is the problem with the linux owner and the default group where the owner belongs?

suppose I deploy the application under test, and the owner and default group of the application are both test,. Why is the owner and default group of the generated path folder created from the application code root? For what reason.

drwxrwxr-x 9 test test     4096 Apr  2 10:28 apache-tomcat-7.0.67

drwxr-xr-x 11 test test  4096 May 23 09:43 webapps

drwxr-xr-x 14 test test     4096 May  4 11:01 TEST

drwxr-xr-x 12 root     root         4096 Apr 24 10:10 24

from top to bottom is Apache


The file created by the

application does not inherit the owner and all groups of the application itself, but inherits the owner of the process.
generally speaking, whoever starts the program is the owner of the file created by the program.
there are, of course, individual programs that lower their rights after startup, such as nginx. Generally speaking, after using root to start nginx, nginx will set itself to ordinary user rights after getting the resources needed, so the owner of the file created by nginx should also be an ordinary user.

PS: the owner of the viewing process can use top or ps



