How vue multiple pages share status


project is a single-page application built with vue, but there is a requirement that a table opens a new browser window after each row of data is clicked, and the operations done on the new window can be shared by the original window, and no more than one new window can be opened, that is to say, you click on the first row of data in the table and open a new window. If you click on the second line now, you will not be allowed. You must close the newly opened window.
originally wanted to use store to share the status, but found that after the new window submitted commit, the store value of the new window did change, but the original window store did not change, that is to say, the store between the two windows could not be shared. The answer found on the Internet is that it can be stored in localstorage, but if there are a lot of shared states, it will be troublesome.


vuex maybe you can try

use localStorage


isn't this the exchange of information between documents?
