Transfer the code to github, and after others use the git tool clone, can you change my code at will?

upload the code to github, and after others use the git tool clone, can you change my code at will?
I want to upload my code to github, but I can only create public repositories and RMB privately. I want to know if others can change my code at will in the open warehouse. For example, after using the git tool clone, change my code, and then go up in push.


can change your code, but it cannot be transferred to your warehouse. Push it to your warehouse with your permission. Direct push will not have permission.

his push can only be submitted with your permission

he must clone a copy of your code, and then pr, your merge to you before it can affect

as long as your project is public on GitHub, then your project can be modified by anyone else clone, but if they want to merge the changes into your repo, they must initiate a merge request, Then you will see merge request's request in the GitHub project message. If you agree, your code will be modified. As long as you don't agree, no one can modify your code.

No, just try another account.

can be changed under the local down, but do not have permission to submit to your warehouse
