It's urgent. How to control the video playback of vedio tags to stop after 1 minute?

how do I control the video playback of the vedio tag to stop after 1 minute? The playback absolutely stops after 1 minute, and the user can no longer play.
seek advice from the great gods;

add, I can only think of setInterval, but since the video is not played as soon as the page is opened, I don"t know how to implement it


listen to the playback event:

get the playback duration:
is judged in the monitoring event. You can try

listen to start playback event onplaying , setTimeout 1 minute and then call onpause to pause playback. After
, there are many ways to operate, such as judging by variables, directly hiding the play button, and so on.

rough version

let video = document.querySelector('video')
let timer = setInterval(() =>{
    var t = Math.floor(video.currentTime);
    if (t === 60) {
}, 1000)

and video~ is not vedio
