How to add click events to the elements that come out of vue v-for controls the current element being clicked, but not all of them

The icon "+" appears in

v-for, which one is clicked and which becomes "added", all of which have changed with one click. The
code is as follows:





// map => {
   el.isShowTxt = false;
   retrun el;
    <tr v-for="(coin, index) in coins">
            <i @click="add"></i>
            <span v-show="coin.isShowTxt"></span>
export default {
    methods: {    
            this.coins[index].isShowTxt = true;

I hope I can help you ~ it is recommended to post a code instead of a picture next time.

isshoutex do arrays, isshoutex= [false,false,false]

both isShowIcon and isShowTxt use arrays, with isShowIcon [] as the subscript or index as the following table in recycling. Click the function add to pass an argument, or index. Then the function body implements isShowIcon [] = false.

the problem is that the v-show condition of all your I tags is the same data. It must have all changed as soon as it changed.

set your own isShowIcon and isShowTxt, for each coin so that changing your values will not affect others. Do not share isShowIcon and isShowTxt, or else you will click once and everything else will change

can be written when v-for (coin,index) of coins, passes the index when calling the add method and gets all the + signs in the add method. Then change the one at index to have been added
