How does the vue project prevent two requests that are clicked very quickly and then submitted

when submitting data similar to a form, two requests will appear when you click twice in a row. Is there a global js at the front end to control this?


scenario 1: declare a variable and click the gray submit button. Wait for the end of the interface call to release the button.

    <!--  -->
    <button v-if="canSave" @click="save"></button>
    <button v-else disabled></button>
export default {
        return {
            canSave: true,
    methods: {
            this.canSave = false;
            // AJAX  this.canSave = true;

Plan 2: add anti-shaking. Put several previous favorite links:
JavaScript function throttling and function de-trembling application scenarios
underscore function
underscore function throttling

JavaScript underscore

  1. debounce and throttle are the most widely used at present. For more information, you can see the collection upstairs.
  2. wants to make sure that logically there are no requests submitted at the same time, there are also many npm searches for "mutex";
  3. or I have also written a simple version that wraps the callback with the following function. If the previous request has not been completed, the new request will be returned with the old one. In this case, the callback returns Promise


    actually all interface requests have this requirement, so you can encapsulate a proxy layer for ajax

    the proxy layer can do two things

    1. the cache API returns data, which can be cached to sessionstorage, or to memory. The same request accesses the cache first
    2. add status to each request interface, unrequested, in progress, completed. Request the interface when it is not requested, and set the status of the interface to the request; request the interface when the request is in progress, save the callback, store the data in the cache after the interface data is returned, and call back together; request the interface to read the data directly from the cache when it is finished, and no longer request the interface

    in this way, not only vue projects, not just post or submit forms, all interface requests have the capabilities you need.
