How to bind v-if or v-show to vue render function

the table component of iview is used in the vue project. You need to generate a button when you use the render function to customize the table, but this button requires v-if or v-show to show hidden


knows how to bind click, but not how to bind v-if


iview Custom form


The display of the

button is hidden. Can you see if you can do this?

style: {
      marginRight: '5px',

with the ternary operator, you may need to add a field to the object to determine what is being done to determine whether to show or hide

ide/render-function.html-sharpv-if-%E5%92%8C-v-for" rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">

write the if () statement directly, wrap the entire return content with {}, and then write another return, in else {}, but it works

the description in the vue document is as follows:

I understand that there is no v-if in the render function, which is a practical application of API,. You can use two answers, ternary expressions or if () statements in the upper floor
