Why can't custom events of a component be listened to when written in a template, and why can't properties be written and bound on a component?

 <div id="app">

: {{number}}

<button @click="plusOne(rand1,$event)">2</button> <customize-btn @click.native="minus(rand2)" ></customize-btn> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var rand1=Math.random()*10; var rand2=Math.random()*10; var customizeBtn = { data: function() { return { btnClass: "btn" } }, template: ` <div :class="btnClass"></div> `, } var app = new Vue({ el: "-sharpapp", data: { message: "hello world", number: 3, rand1:rand1, rand2:rand2 }, methods: { plusOne: function(num, a) { console.log(rand1); this.number = this.number + num; console.log(":" + this.number); this.rand1=Math.random()*10; return this.number; }, minus: function(num) { console.log(rand2); this.number = this.number - num; console.log(":" + this.number); this.rand2=Math.random()*10; return this.number; } }, components: { "customizeBtn": customizeBtn } }) </script>

found the following situations:

1. Event listeners and style property bindings are written directly on the component tag

<customize-btn  @click.native="minus(rand2)" :class="btnClass" ></customize-btn>

error reporting btnClass is not defined

< hr >

2. Event listeners and style property bindings are written directly in tempalet

template: ` <div  @click.native="minus(rand2)" :class="btnClass"></div>  `,

No error is reported, but the click of the second button is invalid and the event is not tied to

< hr >

3. Event listeners are written in template, style attribute bindings on component tags

<customize-btn  :class="btnClass" ></customize-btn>
template: ` <div  @click.native="minus(rand2)"></div>  `,

error, btnClass is not defined

< hr >

4. The third is the first one. Event listeners are written on component tags and style attribute bindings are written in template, which is normal here.

<customize-btn  @click.native="minus(rand2)"></customize-btn>
template: ` <div :class="btnClass"></div>  `,
< hr >

from the conclusion, event listeners for custom components must be written on component tags, while custom component style attributes (including other properties? ) binding must be in template? is this conclusion correct? Why?


1. < customize-btn @ click.native= "minus (rand2)": class= "btnClass" > < / customize-btn > this is to pass the btnClass of the parent component to a child component, but there is no btnClass, in the parent component, so btnClass is undefined! Same question 3
2. < div @ click.native= "minus (rand2)": class= "btnClass" > subcomponents do not have function
3. < customize-btn @ click.native= "minus (rand2)" > < / customize-btn > it is recommended that you learn about parent-child communication !
