How does the v-for loop show the different content under the tab?

I now have a tab switch. The title above is the requested data


< ul id= "myTab" class= "nav nav-tabs ul-menu" >

v-for="(item,index) in lanmu" 
:class="{active:index == num}"




< div id= "myTabContent" class= "tab-content" >

            <div class="tabCon">
                    <div v-for="(item) in hotzixun" class="hotzixun">
                          <div class="con" v-show="item.category_id!=1">
                            <h4><router-link to="/newinfo" class="goinfo">{{item.news_title}}</router-link></h4>
                            <div class="row">
                                <div class="col-xs-4 col-md-4 img"><img @click="goinfo" class="zx img-responsive" v-bind:src="item.cover" alt=""></div>
                                <div class="col-xs-8 col-md-7 tag">
                                   <span v-for="(item, index) in tags" :key="index">
                      <!-- <div>
                        <img class="er-90 img-responsive" src="../assets/img/er-90.jpg" alt="">
                      </div> -->
                      <div v-for="(item) in liveList" class="hot-zixun">
                        <essence v-bind:src="item.cover" v-bind:tx="item.tx" v-bind:n="item.n" v-bind:h2="item.h2" v-bind:count="item.count" v-bind:data=""


ask questions, first of all, to describe the problem clearly, and then to provide the completed code or demo, related to the data needs to provide data;

as long as your problem is code, there is no data, and there is no way to analyze your problem.

but it can be inferred that the problem you described should be caused by data. Check whether your data meets the criteria VMI show hotzixun item. or whether the array of hotzixun is empty
