The header of the http request authenticated by Tencent Cloud's api gateway is blocked by the browser after it is added to date.

when Tencent Cloud api gateway requests authentication, date or x-date must be added to the header of the http request.
but this will be blocked by chrome browsers, and the ie11 test is normal.
doesn"t know how to solve this problem.
1. All the interfaces are written in php and put on the server
2. The framework used in the front end requests to call the server-side interface
3. Then I want to put all these interfaces of php into Tencent Cloud"s api gateway for security, monitoring and management.
4. As a result, the above problem occurs. The front end needs to add date to the header information when the http request is made, but the browser will block it.
get down on your knees and beg the gods to save you!
