Could you tell me how to set the versatility of scaffolding?

set up a scaffolding by yourself in the team, which is in the

of package.json.
"bin": {
    "s-cli": "./bin/s.js"


const program = require("commander");
.usage("<command> []")
.command("init", "")

after installing global npm I s-cli-g in mac, you can use the s-cli init command, but under window, it is also a global installation. If you execute Scrimley, you will execute s.js, but if you execute the: s-cli init command, an error will be reported and no such command will be reported. Is there any compatibility to consider? Thank you!


found the problem. Another js file of s-init needs to be created in window, while the s-cli-init file is in mac. It is not clear why
