Transition-group tag

<svg id="tangram" v-press="press" v-panstart="panstart" v-panmove="panmove" v-panend="panend" class="tangram-svg" version="1.1" xmlns="">
        <transition-group enter-active-class="animated bounceInRight" tag="">
          <polygon :class="["tangram animated", signList.length ? signList[polygon.index].signStatus === "1" ? "zoomIn" : "" : ""]"
            v-show="signList.length ? signList[polygon.index].signStatus === "1" : false"
            v-for="(polygon, index) in polygonData"
            :key="index" :index="polygon.index" :order="index"

I want to animate the elements in svg
. However, after applying transition-group,
will generate a tag on the outside so that svg cannot be rendered. Is there any way to prevent transition-group from generating tags?


remove the tag attribute first, and then remove the enter-active-class attribute
