Component tags cannot be rendered using renderJSX syntax in iview's table

when the table component renders the column data using the render function in iview, the jsx rendering of the component label fails.

                          return h("Button", {
                            props: {
                                type: "warning",
                                size: "small",
                                icon: "checkmark-circled"
                            style: {
                                marginRight: "5px"
                            on: {
                                click: (e) => {
                        }, "")

this function can render the button normally

                      return (
                              <i-button type="primary" icon="checkmark-circled"></i-button>

the jxs way to render the result is empty

ordinary button or html tags can be rendered successfully on jsx. Take a look at the brother dei I met
. No, no, no.


in this way, you should use i-button

This problem exists in many tags in

iview. Generally, this kind of tag with the same name as native HTML should be like this. For more information, please see the document
