Pictures in node's ghost project are not accessible

the local ghost project starts with npm start-- production. The project can be accessed normally on the
centos server using NODE_ENV=production pm2 start index.js-- name "ghost"
. The project can be accessed, but none of the pictures can be loaded. What"s going on? the boss pointed out

returns a 404 display from nginx/1.12.2

you can take a look at how the configuration of nginx is configured
, or try to access curl directly (without going through nginx) on the online machine. If you can access it without going through nginx, you can find out that it is the nginx configuration problem. If not, check whether the returned status code is 403. If it is 403, it should be a directory problem. Just think of so much

for the time being.

linux does not understand very well, I think it should be the directory permission problem. At the end of the ghost deployment, refer to the ghost official documentation to deploy with ghost-cli, and I also use centos.

and the programs on the server do reverse proxies
