PHP form submission, names has multiple values, saved to the database is a string, taken from the database, in the loop to the page,

< p class= "gh_p6" >

                    <input type="hidden" id="username" value="{$vo.username}" name="names[]" />{$vo.username}


<div class="gh_div5"> <p class="gh_p7"> <span>:</span><span>{$vo.number}KG</span>

<div class="gh_div6"> <p class="gh_p8"> <img src="/static/index/img/img07.png"/>

<p class="gh_p9"> <input type="text" id="" value="0" name="number[]" />

<p class="gh_p10"> <img src="/static/index/img/img08.png"/>

array (size=2) appears when I submit
"names" = >

array (size=2)
  0 => string "" (length=6)
  1 => string "" (length=6)

"number" = >

array (size=2)
  0 => string "2" (length=1)
  1 => string "3" (length=1)

I use implode (); $date ["names"] = implode ("*", $date [" names"]);

          3*4        *    ;

I"m going to write "3jue 4", "eggplant, millet" on the page;

query result
array (size=1)
"names" = >

array (size=2)
  0 => string "" (length=6)
  1 => string "" (length=6)

the result I want is this:

 "names" => string "" (length=6)
 "names" => string "" (length=6)


1. Modify the typesetting of questions
2. You can take a look at the method of submission through the page. If it is the way of $name [], it must be in the form of an array when you get it at the backend. If you want one by one, set n multiple name
