Each element in the vue array has a column of calculated attributes. Attribute sum= attribute a + attribute b

has been implemented, solution


such requirements are not recommended to use computed, you can use filter, custom functions, or even curly braces to do operations

< hr >

if sum is also editable at the same time, manually change sum to 0 and the values of an and b are also changed to 0 . Who is the person who mentioned this requirement and can have a fight with him


it's okay to change sum to 0, to 1, so who is 1, an or b? How about changing it to 9? There are so many combinations, how do you define them? If you just change it to zero, you might as well add a button or a click event to make the data go back to zero


it's much easier to use elementUI's table

        <el-table :data="data" border >
          <el-table-column label="a" prop="a"></el-table-column>
          <el-table-column label="b" prop="b"></el-table-column>
          <el-table-column label="sum">
              <template slot-scope="scope">
                  {{scope.row.a + scope.row.b}}

export default {
        return {
            data: [
                    a: 1,
                    b: 2,
                    a: 1,
                    b: 2,
< hr >
if sum is also editable at the same time, manually change sum to zero and the values of an and b also become 0

there are still people who mention this kind of need.

has been resolved, using watch's deep monitoring

just take one of the cash channels as an example:

my current way of writing is
