Run a vue project with an app.js, in network. What is this app.js? How did you get here?

run a vue project. This project uses webpack+vue+vuex+vue-router+axios.
when I run the project, F12, there is an app.js, in network who doesn"t know what this app.js is, how did it come from? Which one of the great gods will answer! Thank you



the vue, router and other things you wrote have been edited and compressed into this app.js file by webpack, otherwise, how else can your vue run

webpack packaged and compressed, you know that webpack and vue-cli scaffolding

this app.js is a collection of packaged dependencies, such as vue, vue-router, axios, etc. Webpack will type these dependencies into a JS file, and app.js is the js file.
if you are interested in the specific dependencies contained in this app.js, it is recommended that this plug-in give you webpack-bundle-analyzer , a plug-in for analyzing bundle content and a CLI tool to show users in a convenient, interactive, scalable tree view.

you can understand that all the plug-ins, components, and templates you introduce are in app.js. This is only a temporary document and does not require special attention.
