Vue css inline! important doesn't work.

: style= "{backgroundColor:"- sharpccc"}" is normal,
: style= "{backgroundColor:"- sharpccc! important"}" cannot be used

excuse me, how do I add important?
in addition, I would like to ask: what is the name of css for this small hump?


style inline priority is already the highest. Why do you want to add important

you can try to write without a small hump. You can write

like this.
:style="{'background-color': '-sharpccc !important'}"

just write it this way.

what do you call css for this small hump?

answer: it's called hump (camelCase)
see the document ide/class-and-style.html-sharp%E4%B8%8E-HTML-%E7%9A%84-class-%E7%BB%91%E5%AE%9A-Binding-HTML-Classes" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> bind (Binding Inline Styles) to inline style as follows:

The object syntax of
v-bind:style is very simple and straightforward-it looks a lot like CSS, but it's actually a JavaScript object. CSS attribute names can be humped (camelCase) or kebab-case (quotation marks are required for cascading)