Git merge misoperation

the project has two branches b1 , b1 modified the code, and then b2 went to merge b1 , found that there were more conflicts during the merger, temporarily decided not to merge , and then abandoned all changes (changes caused by the merger) directly, and then push went remotely, and now it is found that b2 is on b2 . If you want to re- merge b1 at this point, you will be all ready up to date . And now that there are many new submissions on b2 , it is not feasible to fall back directly to the merge operation. Could you tell me how to solve this situation?


are you sure you abandoned the merge with git merge-- abort ?

Please remember commit has, of b2 or backup b2
try using git reset-- hard ORIG_HEAD fallback

on b2.

first git log to view log information,
then copy b2's commit hash value before merging
local fallback execution command git reset-hard commit-hash (the previously copied hash value is more than 6 digits)
remote code replacement git push-f
and finally merge with b1.
